Channel: Love – Paul C Burr
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Mercury Steps Out of His Shadow in Scorpio


Mercury scorpioMercury, closest to Helios, the Sun King, affects us all.

The messenger of the gods, aka Hermes, brings wisdom but not always in the way you might expect, for He is also a trickster. He governs thinking and intellect – and also rules computers, technology and travel.

Mercury went retrograde (Rx) at 2deg Scorpio on Oct 4 and went back into Libra until Oct 25 where He moved forward again to retrace His steps back to Scorpio and stepped out of his ‘shadow’ on Nov 10 – ie He got back to His starting place at 2 deg Scorpio.

Generally…. Mercury in Rx adversely affects creative thinking, transportation, travel, mobiles, PC’s etc. It is not a good time generally until it at least He goes stationary to start any new contracts or liaisons – as our thinking is clouded.

In Libra, Mercury will encourage you to revisit areas out of balance or lacking truth. The areas where you are giving/receiving to little/too much; areas where you are lulling others or are being lulled; deceit; economic truths…. and so on.

The focus should be on the ‘re-’ : Revisit, rethink, revamp, relive, reconnect, revise….

In Rx you will be given the chance to relive old experiences, situations etc. The ‘trick’ is to revise, re-something where and when appropriate.

Mercury re- entered Scorpio during the first week of Nov. Scorpio the sign of death (Halloween – the end/death of the pagan year where everything dies back into the earth/underworld ruled by Pluto) – which leads to transformation and then rebirth.

Until Nov 27, now that Mercury is direct and out of its shadow, it is especially a good time to ‘kill off’ that (projects, situations, relationships) which is stultifying your creative thinking and intellect OR that which is borne of deceit.

Mercury shows (obligingly) you the wisdom of truth and then attempts to steal it. He can only succeed if you allow Him to.

Act from truth, love, compassion, patience, mindfulness and enthusiasm and you out-trick the trickster.

Image courtesy of Astrologer, Bill Attride

Shine on…!


Paul C Burr

Business/Personal Performance Coach & Author Facebook: Beowulf (>16,000 followers)

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